July 28, 2023

Adaptive Mindset

In this week's  interview, host  engaged in an intriguing - and timely - conversation with , Founding Partner of , on how to accelerate the transformation to a radical company by means of mental tools and models.

In this week's rHatchery.live interview, host Matt Perez engaged in an intriguing - and timely - conversation with Joan Hinterauer, Founding Partner of #AdaptiveOrg - The Framework for an Adaptive Mindset and Developing Holistic Self-Managed Orgs, on how to accelerate the transformation to a radical company by means of mental tools and models.

Joan Hinterauer Profile Photo

Joan Hinterauer

Founding Partner

Joan's traditional corporate career was disrupted in 2015 by the book Reinventing Organizations. He exchanged the C-Level against Holacracy, and that is where his self-management journey started. Unhappy with the bureaucratic approach of Holacracy and similar frameworks he started co-developing his own solution. Today he calls a number of highly radical companies his clients and they prove the #AdaptiveOrg is a powerful alternative to becoming a self-managed organization.