The conversation with Paul Allard, Co-founder and CEO of Impak Analytics, surprised us and delighted us. He is transforming businesses from the outside in, whereas we have been about transforming businesses from the inside out. He is doing complementary work but with the same goal to put society as the highest priority, even ahead of money-making, which is necessary but not sufficient.
Screw Gold
Paul pointed the finger at Richard Nixon when in 1971 decided to get rid of the Bretton Woods Accord and eliminated gold as the basis for the value of money. Since then, the focus has been on maximizing profits without considering the effects on people and the environment.
Paul Allard also pointed out that the Milton Freeman theory never observed reality. The focus was to look at every organization to serve the money-making machines rather than serve human beings or society.
Exclusively Money-Making
The impact of the money-making economy era has been catastrophic for the environment and society. Businesses have been focused on maximizing profits at the expense of the environment and society. Instead of having an organization of people in which the financial aspect is there to serve people and society, we have a society serving the money-making world.
As Paul says, "...we need a rigorous, transparent, audited impact statement saying how a business generates a positive impact". In the impact economy, economic actors will have to make decisions not only on money-making performance but also on environmental and social performance.