Brian Curtis

Brian Curtis Profile Photo


Brian has worked in the private and public electrical industry for the last 25 years. He experienced a variety of breakdowns within various work environments, all rooted in breakdowns in communication. Communication breakdowns lead to misunderstanding and mistrust across an entire system of people.

This led him to create a software solution to fix communication breakdowns. How could this work you might ask? Any corporate group behaves like a larger organism. I created a decentralized decision-making platform to emulate the characteristics of a living organism. Feedback from the marketplace and within a group becomes near instantaneous leading to increased growth and revenue.

The system virtually eliminates the need for meetings and allows everyone to focus on their primary roles and responsibilities. Uninformed decisions become a thing of the past. Feel free to contact me! I love meeting new people!

Dec. 21, 2022

The Fool's Journey

On this fifth episode of #rhatcherylive, hosts Matt Perez and Jose Leal chat with Brian Curtis, CEO of Decentralized Systems, on why creating a sustainable future requires taking a path of zero inertia.

Listen to the Episode