Susan Basterfield

Susan Basterfield Profile Photo


I am a catalyst and convener who believes that awareness and discernment can unblock drains and move mountains. From 35-plus years in business—spanning global multinationals, startups and schools—arose experiences that drive my work as a systems transformation partner. This work includes standing shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders and organizations on their transformational journeys, often over many years.

I do my work alongside my partners at Greaterthan, and co-curate the Greaterthan Academy.

I am an educator, coach, facilitator and collective entrepreneur. A long-standing Enspiral member, I currently energise the role of Foundation Director on the Minimum Viable Board, and create livelihood alongside her colleagues at Greaterthan, a venture that sprang from the Enspiral (and Ouishare) soil. I am the proud co-author of Lead Together: The bold, brave,intentional path to scaling your business and Better Work Together: How the power of community can transform your business.

April 4, 2024

A Radical Fireside Chat With...

..., a Partner at , a company committed to aiding individuals, companies, networks, and organizations in navigating the escalating complexities and interconnections of the modern world. Susan and will explore profoundly innovative methods that are...

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